<b>Spain/Catalonia</b>: Life Models Theatricals: Sources of Cultural Heritage for Digital Storytelling


  • Jordi Pons i Busquet

Author Biography

Jordi Pons i Busquet

Jordi Pons i Busquet graduated in history at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 1987. He is the director of Museu del Cinema–La col–lecció Tomàs Mallol (Girona) since its creation in 1998. Before that he had documented and catalogued Tomas Mallol’s Collection (1995–1997) and worked in the project of Museu del Cinema (1997–1998). He is a specialist in the pre-cinema and the author of several articles and various guides and catalogues of Museu del Cinema and of writings on Tomàs Mallol’s Collection and on pre-cinema. Since 1999 he is co-director of the International Seminar on the Origins and History of Cinema, that is organized every two years by Museu del Cinema and Universitat de Girona.




How to Cite

Pons i Busquet, J. (2018). <b>Spain/Catalonia</b>: Life Models Theatricals: Sources of Cultural Heritage for Digital Storytelling. Uncommon Culture, 7(1/2), 158–165. Retrieved from https://journals.uic.edu/ojs/index.php/UC/article/view/9248